Nerd Quest Update 24 Harry Potter Kinect

Otherwise know as Harry Potter and the Recap of Nerd Quest

Lets take a trip down memory lane.


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I’m a wizard.

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Nice to meet you. I need a wand.

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This is perfect. I’ll take it.

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Not Slytherin, not Slytherin.

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Gryffindor it is! Why is new Dumbledore sitting in old Dumbledore’s film?

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Great, first lesson and I’m being bullied.

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At least I’m good at potions. You could say I’m the Prince of potions.

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What happened to old Flitwick?

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Wingardium Leviosa!

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I can see why people use troll legs as umbrella stands.

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Great, Hermione is in danger.

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We all did our part in this. Hermione ducked and dodged.

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I threw bricks at the troll like a yob.

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Ron levitated the troll’s club.

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I finished off the troll by jamming my wand into the troll’s nose.

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Quidditch. My time to shine.

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Get out of it, the snitch is mine.

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I’ll have to punch my way to victory.

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So close!

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Got it! I’m the king of Quidditch.

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Philosopher’s Stone. Get it right.

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We can’t get it? What about using one of these keys?

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Ah, the keys are attacking me!

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Slapping the keys aside, I soon found the right key.

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Now I just need to catch it.

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Got it! Lets get out of here.

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Oh. Its you.

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Oh you want this stone? Well tough.

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Oh hell, you can fly?

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But I set fire to the rain, Watched it pour as I touched your face. Now burn!

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Ouch, I think I broke my wrist. I’m suing you!

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Oh, he’s dying. Never mind that’s payment enough in my eyes.

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Take that, Pixies.

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Ah, Herbology. This lesson is so boring.

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Well at least I got an Outstanding in this subject.

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Bring it on, Draco.

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Take this, and that. You can’t beat me!

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Right, Ginny. You just rest up whilst I do the fighting.

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I have a bad feeling about this.

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Here comes the Basilisk.

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This is the best way to lose weight. Run or die.

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I’ll be fit by the end of this.

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Fawkes! You’re here!

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Last thing he’ll ever see was this beautiful Phoenix. Not a bad way to go.

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Ooooh, shiny.

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Bring it on, Snakey!

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Ouch, my arm. This is not going according to plan.

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Keep sleeping, Ginny. I’m nearly done.

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Die, Riddle!

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That’s one less Horcrux to contend with.

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Get ready to jump and duck, Hermione. I’ve seen this tree beat up Ron.

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When trees attack.

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You think that Scabbers is a man? You can’t be Sirius?

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Oh, well I’ll be damned.

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This is not gonna end well.

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What does that cloud look like to you? To me it looks like a bunny.

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Man I hate Dementors.

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Expecto Patronum!

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Shield me! Thank the good lord for Lupin’s lessons.

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Thankful it didn’t snack on my memories like a happy meal.

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A stag? Must be a wedding coming up.

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Night night, Sirius.

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Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

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Under the sea, under the sea, everything’s better down where its wetter, oh god there’s enemies.

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Ron and Gabrielle are in danger. Well Ron can wait. Ladies first after all.

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Lets get out of here.

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This is not as amazing as the pamphlet said it would be.

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The cup’s mine, Cedric.

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Fine we share it.

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I shared and Cedric died. Lesson learnt. I’ll be a dick in the future.

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Its time to duel!

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We seem to be quite equally matched.

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Okay, Voldemort are you seeing the ghosts too?

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Take that. Ghost power.

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I’m just gonna leave Cedric behind. Being a total dick is working out for me.

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Voldemort doesn’t look to pleased that I escaped.

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Ron, we really need hair cuts.

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Let me show you all how its done.

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Nailed it!

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Have you got my back, Sirius?

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Its Bellatrix! Get down, Sirius. Don’t let her kill you.

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Take that Bellatrix.

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Noooo! They killed Sirius.

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Oh, no. Voldemort’s here.

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Go get him, Dumbledore.

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Whats this? Basilisk is evolving into … Fire Basilisk.

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Get out of here, Voldemort. You’ve lost.

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I can’t believe he actually left.

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Come on, Ron. You can do it!

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On this team, he’s a keeper.

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Weasley is our King, he didn’t let the Quaffle in.

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Ah, jump scare.

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Get back, Gollum.

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I don’t want to play your annoying guessing game.

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We don’t need no water let the motherf***ers burn!

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For some reason, I’m snape. I am the Half Blood Prince.

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Wait. You’re the Half Blood Prince? That was the actual line. Snape never said it to me. This game is as bad as my jokes.


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Those guys don’t have any tools. I’m not convinced that they’re builders.

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Knew it! Fight them! Fight to the death.

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Lucky you’re good at magic, Hermione.

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You didn’t see anything.


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I’d love to work here. I’d enjoy coming to work if it had a roller coaster.

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Though it looks dangerous.

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I take it back. i don’t want to work here. I just want the money.

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And our disguise is gone.

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The damn Death Eaters are trying to kill us, again.

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Run, Neville, Run!

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You can make it, Neville.

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You look nothing like Dean.

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At least Neville is alive.

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Watch out Hermione. The snakes acoming.

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I told you to run!

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I think Voldemort has a snake fetish.

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And here we see the snake, preparing to pounce.

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And my friends will die here.


And this is why Kinect sucks.

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Well done, Neville.

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The final show down.

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Call of Duty moment. Crawl to the weapon.

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Lets do this, Tom.

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I’ve got to finish this. And that’s just this game.

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Connection again. Forever bound together.

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Your wand is mine, Voldemort. You’ll die in the end.

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No more Horcruxes to hide behind!

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It’s over. I win.

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Its finally mine.

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Game over. I’m down to Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 on the Xbox 360. Nerd Quest will be over this week. Not long left Champs. See you tomorrow.

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